I had mufti day at school about a fortnight ago and I decided to turn up in my pikachu onesie. I am not crazy... Initially I wasn't going solo, but Anh decided to change her mind -.-"
Chibi took this photo -^ ^- nawww :D
On Saturday, I was abandoned at Manukau City Shopping Centre while my parents went to buy curtains. So I took this chance to go browse around and I came across this adorable backpack at Equip. It was on the clearance rack for $24.99, originally $44.99, so I thought it was time for my black and white polka-dot backpack to retire. When I walked past The Body Shop they were celebrating their 20th birthday, I think? Anyways there was a 30% discount on all body butter range. Which was brilliant timing, because I am just about to finish my peach body butter. Unfortunately the peach body butter discontinued so I decided to purchase the Mango one instead :)

I also found this wall sticker and it reminded me of Maya Angelou's Poem "Caged Bird" which is a poem that I am studying for English. So I purchased it straight away and stuck it on my bedroom door, because it looks awesome XD
My hair is getting longer now... sigh, it's such a hassle during training -.-" However, I think it looks nice, so here are some hair accessories that I got since I need to start tying my hair up more often.
(bun booster, bow clips, bunny ear scrunchies)