Saturday, 28 May 2011

Dear Blog~ 28th May 2011

Tried to use a new editing software... (the contacts look fake)

I love my Leaf Village Headband!!! (from Naruto if you didn't know) I bought it of my friend, Hannah Mae for $13, I don't care what others say I think it's worth it. Hannah is a huge Anime fan, even her name Hannah Mae rhymes with anime, cool right?

Anyways, back to today, I once again had no life and showed up at school on a Saturday, with Alex, Cara, Monynna, Ck and Haren. We had to show up in school uniform at 11:30 am and drove for 30 mins to UNITECH for a Wai Care Expo (Wai is water in Maori). It was a good experience to understand the importance of our stream water ways, but the event was pretty long... We end up going home around 5:30pm and these days the nights comes much earlier, so it was pretty cold.

I saw my last years maths teacher, Mr Hishey jogging at the park in front of the school, when I was waiting for my parents! It was so cold, but he still came out to exercise. Didn't expect any less from a black belt I guess.

When I got home, internet was the first thing, I haven't been on for about 24hrs! And from today's expo and workshops I decided to create Twitter and Hoot Suite. I am still snooping around with things but I'll soon manage. Also there was this awesome online presentation software that all of us (alex, cara, monynna, ck and haren) had the idea to use for our Global Studies assignment. Haven't tried it out yet but the outcome shown at the expo was amazing.

Catchu latar! Me gonna watch anime now hehehe, "Naruto Shippuden" ep 212 was updated on Crunchyroll and also "A Bridge To The Starry Skies" ep 6!!

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