Friday, 29 November 2013

The Odds Are Never In Our Favour

Today I was suppose to take more photos, but I forgot sorry...
Today Chibi finally finished his last exam so the guys, him and I went to watch The Hunger Games, Catching Fire!!! The visual affects were amazing and omg the tears T^T Now I can't wait for <--Mockingjay--<<

Both Chibi and I enjoy watching the advertisements before movies to know upcoming movies that we might want to check out. Today I came across some movie trailers from books that Seryna has told me about that are on my to read list which were "Divergent" and "The Book Thief". 

 Yesterday was Shakira's leavers party as she is now on the plane heading to London for a year (sob).

When you leave your phone with girls XP 

 Thanks to Anh, I was able to pick up two shirts that I have been wanting from Cotton On for a cheaper price today.
Giselle Cotton Shirt, Colour: Forever Blue and White, Size M

This is my nail colour for the past few days, "My Boyfriend Scale Walls" from OPI, Spiderman Collection


  1. *crying* I wanna watch catching fire so bad, but I'm busy today and my friends are all going without me. Great friends

    1. You must watch it asap >.< it can be your chance to take yourself on a date

  2. Oh my god Catching Fire was so good - I watched it the day it came out and I was crying and screaming through the entire movie. Never watch movies with me I guess HAHA.

    By the way, I nominated you for the Liebster Award! Check out the questions on my blog! x

    1. Haha I've been to a movie where my friend screamed thought it's dark I could feel the judgement... Thanks for nominating me :D
