Thanks to Seryna, who was invited yet again by Pepsi to their party events, I was able to tag along with her and Ananya to attend The Pepsi School's Out Tour held in Auckland. We found out on arrival that we had VIP tickets, yet I don't think there was an particular special treatment, with the minor turn up. Though it was a really fun experience.
During the event, the staff really encouraged us to instagram, as they had set up a poloroid printer which prints of the photos we take at the event by hash tagging "pepsinz".

Here are some photos from my instagram that we got to print out.
Before the performance began we got to have a meet and greet with the performers from tonight. However due to our lack in research, we only recognised Massad and so we gravitated towards him for an autograph. From the meet and greet session, let me share with you my awkward moment of the day, due to having a lack in hugging experiences and under the influence from Fe. I would normally approach a hug by going towards my right side, which I swear everyone (other than Fe) would go towards their left side and so this almost lead to a head on collision, which has occurred far to many times than it should.
After I've returned home, I did a bit of research and found some songs that I've enjoyed from the night and the links are down below:

What I've accumulated from today. Free stuff is always good stuff!
Girl Next Door is my fave from Massad *A*